Видеоролики с сайта Ted.com

12 pairs of legs (пересказ часть 3)

I will continue telling you about Aimee Mullins (you can view her presentation called “12 pairs of legs” at tem.com). This is the third part of my summary (the two previous ones were posted earlier). Aimee’s next adventure was participating in Matthew Barney’s film opus called “The Cremaster Cycle”. At this point of her life, she stopped trying to replicate the humanness of her artificial legs as the only aesthetic ideal. They made for her “glass legs” out of optically…

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12 pairs of legs (пересказ часть 2)

Today, I will continue telling you about the video from TED called “12 pairs of legs”. Aimee Mullins remembered the last conference she attended 11 years ago and said that many people believe that this conference has had a great influence on both speakers and attendees. For her, it turned out to be the launch pad to the next 10 years of her life, a time full of wonderful explorations and amazing adventures. She also elaborated about the legs she…

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12 pairs of legs (пересказ часть 1)

A little bit of information from Wikipedia: Aimee Mullins is an American athlete, actress and fashion model who first became famous for her athletic accomplishments. She was born with a medical condition that resulted in the amputation of both of her legs below the knee at the age of one year. She has also become one of the most prominent thinkers on the topic of prosthetic innovation. In this video Aimee tells us about a meeting she had with approximately…

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12 pairs of legs (video+scripts+translation)

12 pairs of legs 12 пар ног I was speaking to a group of about 300 kids, ages six to eight, at a children’s museum, and I brought with me a bag full of legs, similar to the kinds of things you see up here, and had them laid out on a table for the kids. And, from my experience, you know, kids are naturally curious about what they don’t know, or don’t understand, or is foreign to them. They…

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