You actually improve your studying ability and your English ability by studying and moving at the same time instead of just listening while you sit.
You know this. When you listen to English or something while you’re sitting and you try to study, after about 10 minutes you kind of start getting a little sleepy or tired, right? Then you have to…and make yourself focus more. Well, when you’re walking, right, you’ve got that energy going in your body constantly and. You’ll be able to learn more English. It’ll be more enjoyable and more effective. And at the same time you’re getting your body healthier, too. That’s homework assignment number 1, one hour every single day, just move your body. A nice easy stroll, a nice easy walk is the one I recommend best, but if you want to ride a bike or do something else. Whatever you want to do is fine. Just move your body one hour and at the same time listen to your lessons, two things at the same time.
Alright, the other thing I want you to do, and this is on the eating part. Very, very simple again, is I just want you to eat a fresh salad before every meal. Okay? So fresh vegetables, and when I say a salad what I mean is not that yucky iceberg lettuce, y’know, that’s that lettuce that’s white basically and it has nothing, no nutrition in it at all. What I mean is a green salad, okay? So you get some green leafy vegetables, things like spinach, kale, dark green lettuce, anything like that. And then add in a few other vegetables that you like, carrots, onions, cucumbers, whatever. Avocados are great, I love avocados, put those in a salad. Whatever, I don’t care what it is. Just make yourself a nice healthy green salad. And it can be small in the beginning if you want to. And eat it first. It’s the first thing you eat in your meal. So you’re going to eat your little green salad every day and then after that eat whatever you want.
Of course, if you eat something healthy after that, it’s even better. But this is a good way to start is just to have a healthy green salad before every meal, even breakfast. And this is a little weird for some people. Like Americans don’t usually eat salad before breakfast or for breakfast, for example. But, so what, who cares? Do it anyway.
Okay, so this is it, your two easy homework assignments. Number 1, move your body one hour every single day. And while you’re doing that listen to these lessons, keep repeating these lessons again and again and again. And then, number 2, eat a nice healthy green salad before every meal. That’s it. Okay?
So start doing this today or start doing it tomorrow. Continue doing this habit, this new health and fitness habit every single day. I guarantee just by doing these two small things that you’re going to start feeling more energy and more health in your life. You’re going to get momentum, meaning the changes will come more and more easily, more quickly. And then maybe you’ll even want to take more steps in the future. That’s it. Your two homework assignments, do those and we’ll see you on our member site. You can tell us how it’s going. Tell us about your own health and fitness and what you’re doing to get healthier and more fit. And also tell us about how you’re doing with your English learning.
Okay. I will see you next time with your next coaching video. Meanwhile, have a great day. Bye bye.