Тема «Деньги».

1. Запомните ключевые слова и фразы, приведенные в таблице ниже.

2. Потренируйтесь произносить новые слова, прослушивая аудиозапись и повторяя за диктором.

3. Прочитайте примеры, повторите их несколько раз, составьте собственные примеры.

Все курсы Espresso English включают аудио/видео и электронные книги. Часть из них можно скачать бесплатно, часть приобрести по очень привлекательной цене. Посмотреть все доступные курсы можно перейдя по ссылке:

To earn money Зарабатывать деньги
To spend money Тратить деньги
To save money/Save up for Экономить деньги/Копить деньги на что-то
Salary Зарплата
A bonus Премия
To keep money in a bank account Хранить деньги на банковском счету
Checking accounts Текущие счета
Saving accounts Сберегательные счета
To earn interest Получать проценты
Investment Инвестиции
Stock market Фондовая биржа
To receive a statement Получать отчет
Transactions Банковские операции
A balance Баланс
To make a deposit Класть деньги на счет
To make a withdrawal Снимать деньги со счета
ATM (Automated Teller Machine) Банкомат
Rich, wealthy Богатый
Middle-class Средний класс
Poor Бедный
A bill (a $10 bill) Банкнота (10-долларовая банкнота)
A coin (a 1-cent coin) Монета (монета в один цент)
Cash Наличные
A check Банковский чек
A debit card Дебетовая карта
A credit card Кредитная карта
Expensive Дорогой
I can»t afford it Я не могу позволить себе это
Inexpensive/cheap Недорогой/дешевый
That’s a good deal/that’s a bargain Удачная покупка
To donate money to a charity Жертвовать деньги на благотворительность
Generous Щедрый
Stingy Скупой, скряга
To lend money Давать деньги в долг
To borrow money Брать деньги в долг
A loan Заем, ссуда
To owe to (the bank) Быть должным (банку)
To pay the money back to the bank in installments Выплачивать деньги банку в рассрочку (платежами)

Тренировка произношения:

earn, spend, save, salary, paycheck, bonus, bank account, checking account, savings account, interest, investment account, stock market, statement, transactions, balance, deposit, withdrawal, ATM, rich, wealthy, middle-class, poor, bills, coins, cash, check, credit card, debit card, expensive, I can’t afford it, inexpensive, cheap, That’s a good deal, That’s a bargain, donate, charity, generous, selfish, stingy, lend, borrow, loan, owe, installments


At my job, I earn $1000 per month.
I spent $300 on repairs to my car.
I’m saving up for a new bike/I’m saving for a vacation.
I just bought a new car, and now I have very little money left in my savings account.
My grandfather was very poor. He had to work three jobs to sustain his family.
I don’t have enough money for a taxi. Could you lend me $15? I’ll pay you back tomorrow.
We got a good deal on plane tickets to Miami- they’re normally $500, but we got them for $350.
I made a $50 donation to a local charity that rescues abandoned dogs and cats.
It’s my lucky day! I found a $20 bill in the street!
Many banks charge an extra fee for transactions performed outside your home country.
My company deposits my salary directly into my checking account.
My roommate is really stingy. He always eats my food, but he doesn’t help pay for it.
The economy is growing – it’s a great time to invest in the stock market.
The houses along the beach are very expensive. A lot of wealthy people live there.
We couldn’t afford to buy our apartment in cash, so we took out a $50,000 loan from the bank.
You can buy cheap clothes on Market Street – I just got two T-shirts for $5 each.
We’re spending $500 per month on restaurants – I think we need to stop eating out so much.
My husband’s saving up for a motorcycle – he hopes to buy one next year.

Вопросы и примеры ответов:

On which day of the month do your receive your paycheck? I receive my paycheck on the 10th of each month.
What kinds of bank accounts do you have? I have two kinds of bank accounts: savings account and checking account.
What items do you usually spend a lot of money on? I usually spend half of my salary on renting my apartment and paying bills for water, electricity and so on; one third of the second half on my food; and I spend the rest on clothes, a fitness club, language courses and so on.
Do you invest in the stock market? Do you think investing in the stock market it’s a good or bad idea? I don’t invest in the stock market because I know nothing about it. I think that investing in the stock market is a good idea if you understand when the best time to do it and what exactly is worth investing your money in.
When was the last time you made a deposit? I made the last deposit a month ago. I actually make it every month because my company deposits my salary directly into my checking account.
When was the last time you made a withdrawal? I last made a withdrawal two weeks ago. I usually make a withdrawal once a month to have some cash to pay for something that you cannot buy with a credit card, for example, to buy fruits and vegetables at farmers markets or to buy a bus ticket.
Where is the closest ATM to your house? The closest ATM is outside my bank next to the central bus station. It takes about 20-25 minutes to walk to the ATM from my house.
Do you usually pay for things in cash, or do you use a check, credit card, or debit card? I usually pay for things with a credit card. I pay with a check for my apartment. In addition, I pay in cash for public transport and use it in small shops where they don’t have a machine for credit cards.
What’s something that you would like to buy, but you can’t afford it at the moment? I’d like to buy an apartment, but I can’t afford it now because the initial payment (a down payment) is too high.
What’s the most expensive thing you own? I spend most of my money on renting my apartment, but I don’t own it, unfortunately. So, the most expensive thing I own is, likely, my car.
When was the last time you bought something cheap? I like sales because at that time you can buy quality things for a low price. Last week I bought many items of clothing for just $300. It’s really cheap! That was a good deal!
Do you donate to charity? What charity do you (or would like to) support. I support the local charity that rescues abandoned dogs and cats. My monthly donation helps them to feed animals and to take care of them in the animal shelter.
Have you ever borrowed money, or lent someone else money? I borrow money from the bank to buy something expensive by installments; however, I very rarely borrow money from people. When I was a student, I often lent money to my friends, but sometimes it was difficult to get it back.
Who is the most generous person you know? The most generous person I know is myself))) It makes me happy when I can help somebody by giving them money or something they need.