What does AJ do in his coaching lessons? He takes some of the ideas from the conversation and the commentary and puts them into a very practical form. He gives us ideas how to use this information in our own lives.


How is he going to help us? He’s gonna help us put some important ideas into action.


What is step 1 of the coaching lessons? To get information and to enjoy it.


What’s step 2? To learn vocabulary and grammar and pronunciation and improve our English.


What’s step 3? To make some changes in our life that will affect all areas of our life, including English, but not only just English.


Who is Jack LaLanne? He is one of AJ’s health heroes.


How did he look like at 95 years old? He was full of energy and powerful and excited and enthusiastic.


What did he do every single day? He worked out, he exercised 3 hours every single day.
What does AJ want to talk about first? First he wants to talk about the difference between health and fitness because in magazines and TV shows these words are often used interchangeably.