В этом уроке Рейчел показывает, как произносить согласные звуки, и знакомит нас с символами, которые используются в транскрипции для передачи этих звуков.

  1. Внимательно посмотрите видео один раз
  2. Нажимайте на паузу и повторяйте за Рейчел, стараясь подражать ей.

Наиболее важные фразы в этом видео:

say that with me — скажите это со мной; this sound is in…- этот звук есть в (слове)…; this sound occurs in the words — этот звук встречается в словах

Текст к видео:
It’s important that you become familiar with the symbols that represent the sounds of American English.
Dd, say that with me, dd. This sound is in dime, redo, smiled.
Tt, say that with me, tt. This sound is in washed, untie, tip.
Vv. This sound is in value, of, love.
Ff. This sound is in staff, enough, phone.
Bb, bb. This sound is in big, sob, abandon.
Pp, pp. This sound is in pan, ship, reapply.
Gg, gg. This sound is gap, exhibit, fog.
Kk, kk. This sound is in choir, quiet, back.
Th, th. This sound is in thanks, filthy, with.
Th, th. This sound is in bother, this, bathe. Ss, ss.
This sound is in ice, some, ax.
Zz, zz. This sound is in lazy, flowers, possess.
Sh, sh. This sound is in polish, ocean, issue.
Zh, zh. This sound is in beige, vision, azure.
Ch, ch. This sound is in chase, march, chapter.
Jj, jj. This sound is in joy, grudge, change.
Hh, hh. This sound is in happy, rehash, hi.
Rr, rr. This sound is in wrong, operate, ear.
Yy, yy. This sound is in yummy, yes. And it often occurs in the EW as in FEW diphthong in words like music.
Mm, mm. This sound is in words like my, mumble, some.
Nn, nn. This sound occurs in the words nine, no, undo.
Ng, ng. This sound occurs in the words ring, thanks, anger.
Ll, ll. This sound occurs in the words follow, lie, feel.
Ww, ww. This sound occurs in the word quiet, will, one.
Great. Familiarizing yourself with these symbols should make it easier to study pronunciation. That’s it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.

В следующих уроках мы подробно разберем согласные звуки по отдельности.