Разбираем замечательный курс «Английский в Медицине»! Для тех, кто хочет работать в сфере медицины в англоязычных странах, или общаться со своими зарубежными коллегами. Все материалы смотрите на нашем сайте, а также подписывайтесь на наши группы в ВКонтакте.
Все уроки этого цикла публикуются на сайте в рубрике Медицина в разделе Базовый курс.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: В таблицах глаголы и их производные выделены красным цветом; важные слова и фразы — жирным, курсивом, жирным с курсивом; предлоги, артикли и другие полезные служебные слова — подчеркиванием и курсивом с подчеркиванием.
Задание 11. В этом уроке мы еще раз вспомним основные разделы научных статей и прочитаем несколько отрывков. Проанализируйте отрывки ниже и переведите, используя словари.
title | название, заголовок |
authors | авторы |
summary | аннотация |
introduction | введение |
patients and methods | пациенты и методы |
results | результаты |
discussion | дискуссия |
references | список литературы |
Задание 12: Заполните пробелы, вставив подходящие слова:
In June 1994, all 896 GP principals with patients in (1) Staffordshire were (2) sent a questionnaire. This included questions about (3) the number of partners, the training status of (4) the practice, the level of (5) seniority, the number of (6) half-days free of practice, or medical commitments and the frequency of (7) on-call duty. Enquiry [ɪn’kwaɪərɪ, en-] was made about (8) work done outside the practice and about (9) participation in any professional committee(s). Subjects were (10) asked to indicate who (11) (if anyone) had a special responsibility in their practice for (12) a total of 12 activities, all of which would be expected to be carried out (13) in every practice. Finally, eight questions about (14) GPs’ sources of satisfaction at work were derived from (15) group discussions and background literature. Two discussion groups, one with (16) eight women GPs and the second with (17) 10 doctors of both genders, were held, the topic set being GPs’ stress and job satisfaction. Eight possible sources of (18) satisfaction were (19) identified, and for each of (20) these, subjects were invited to respond on (21 ) a five-point Likert scale, ranging from ‘no’ satisfaction to ‘extreme’ satisfaction (scale 0—4). Questionnaires were (22) despatched to individual practitioners via the (23) family health services authority (FHA) courier system and completed forms were (24) returned in Freepost envelopes. Detachable code numbers were (25) appended to the questionnaires to allow chasing of (26) non-respondents, who were reminded twice.
Staffordshire FHSA was the responsible authority for (27) 502 of the GPs. The other 304 GPs included in (28) the survey had some patients residing in Staffordshire but (29) most of their patients lived in neighbouring counties and their responsible FHSA was one of (30) the nine others neighbouring Staffordshire.
A Minitab package was (31) used to process the responses. Tables of unordered categorical data were (32) analysed by the chi-squared test. The Mann Whitney test was (33) used for ordered categorical data when two groups were being compared: the Kruskal-Wallis test was used when (34) three or more groups were (35) being compared: these tests included an allowance for (36) ties. The P-values calculated for these last two tests were two-sided. Cochran’s technique was used to investigate whether some of (37) the gender differences that were (38) found were caused by confounding factors causing a (39) spurious association.