Кейс 5.7.1 Часть 2
Reynold’s pentad: Charcot’s triad with hypotension and altered mental status. Indicates severe (suppurative) cholangitis. Requires urgent rather than elective therapeutic ERCP. Пентада Рейно: Триада Шарко плюс гипотензия и изменение психического состояния. Указывает на тяжелый (гнойный) холангит. Требует выполнения экстренной, а не элективной терапевтической ЭРХПГ. Twenty-four hours later, the patient appears confused. Physical exam is significant for RUQ tenderness and jaundice. Vital signs are temperature 39.2°C, pulse 120 bpm, respirations 25/min, and blood pressure 90/60. Через 24 часа сознание…
Impossible2Possible. Audio and Scripts. Part 3
Other dreams I had in the past would be like run a marathon, finish a marathon. One big dream I used to have, and this was a really big one for me, was to own my own business, be my own boss. And let me tell you that for me, that felt impossible for years, I mean years and years and years, over 10 years, 15 years, I thought I would never be able to do it. It felt impossible…
Impsossible2Possible Часть 2 Перевод (Продолжение)
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Кейс 5.7.1 Часть 1
Case 5.7.1 A 48-year-old woman with a history of asymptomatic gallstones presents with an 8-hour history of RUQ pain. There is jaundice on exam. Murphy’s sign is negative. Vital signs are temperature 38.8°C, pulse 120 bpm, respirations 25/min, and blood pressure 125/80. Significant laboratory findings are leukocytosis with a left shift, mildly elevated amylase, and cholestatic LFTs. Кейс 5.7.1 Женщина 48 лет с историей бессимптомной ЖКБ поступает с приступом болей в верхнем правом квадранте живота в течение 8 часов.…