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Hi, I’m AJ, one of the teachers for Learn Real English. And welcome to the coaching video for impossible2Possible. As you know, in the coaching video we take some of the ideas from the conversation and the commentary and then we make them practical for you. In other words, we want to put these ideas into action in your life because I think you see already that the Advanced Conversation Club is more than just normal English lessons.

There’s a lot happening in the Advanced Conversation Club. Number one, we’re using a lot of different ways to help you improve your English, especially your spoken English, your listening and your speaking…that’s always our focus. Reading and writing are great but speaking and listening, that’s our focus here. So you’re doing that, of course, by hearing real conversations. And you’ve got the text to help you with that.

And we’ve got a lot of different ways, the mini-stories are helping you with that, the point of view stories are helping you with that. Just listening to this coaching video helps you with that. Listening to the commentary, everything is going to help you improve your listening, and then, of course, your speaking. You improve listening first and then your listening kind of pulls your speaking up. There’s a little bit of a delay. Your listening should always be higher than your speaking. That’s normal, that’s natural and it’s fine. So that’s the first thing you’re getting.

You’re also getting just inspiring ideas. We always choose conversations and topics that are positive. We don’t want you listening to a bunch of negative stuff that makes you feel bad. You can turn on the news for that. You can read news magazines for that. And you can feel really terrible very quickly. So we think you get enough of that probably. So we also want to give you real conversations, great English instruction, but also about topics that are interesting and very positive for you. And that are real, real-life things, and we choose things that are inspiring to us hoping that they will also be inspiring to you. Of course, you’ve got that in this conversation and this lesson as well, very inspiring topic, this whole story of impossible2Possible.

And the final piece of this program, the Advanced Conversation Club, is about making changes in your life beyond just English. See, we’re teaching you also techniques, methods, ideas, beliefs, that will help you gain success in all different areas of your life. Certainly you can use these techniques and methods and ideas to improve your English learning and English speaking and to make big improvements in that. But we have a bigger ambition.
We want to help you make big improvements in all area
s of your life. We want you to have all the success that you want in life. We want you to feel happier in your life. And so we’re going to give you tools, tips, ideas, inspiration, to help you improve your finances, improve yourbusiness and your job, improvement your relationships, improve your general happiness, improve your health and fitness…all of those things, too. While at the same time you’re improving your English speaking.

Okay, so that’s our three agendas, the three ambitions we have, the three goals we have with this program. So we’re adding them altogether to make one program that’s very, very, very powerful and inspiring and positive for you. That’s our goal. This is the part where you take those ideas and you put them into action in your life, real life. You take these inspirational ideas, these inspirations, and we say okay these are great ideas. What can I do in my own life to make it better? That’s my job as your coach, to help you do that.