It’s not a struggle. How do you develop that? Well, there’s a lot of different ways to do it. It’s something we will talk about in detail in many future Advanced Conversation Club lessons and conversations. This is a topic we can talk a lot about and we will talk a lot about it. But for this first one I’m going to give you just some very, very basic things.
Now the two most basic things that we all know that are so simple is you need to eat very healthy nutritious food, obviously. And you need to move your body. Okay, the worst possible thing you can do is eat junk and sit on your ass. And that’s what most of us do, right? Sitting on our ass all day in front of a computer, or at a desk, or just standing behind a counter, whatever. We’re not moving our bodies very much anymore. Driving everywhere, it’s a sedentary lifestyle. And sedentary, of course, means not moving much. It kind of means lazy, too, it has that idea. And then, of course, the other thing is we’re eating all this processed junk food, food that comes in a box.
So I’m going to give you two simple, easy coaching assignments, homework assignments for this month and for the rest of your life. Because when I give you a homework assignment, I want you to continue doing it forever. I want it to become a new habit that you take into your life and you continue doing forever. And don’t worry, because all these coaching and homework assignments are things that are going to make your life better, make you feel better, make you feel happier. So they’re good homework assignments. They’re fun. You’ll like them. They’re not too difficult and they will improve your life.
So it’s very simple. I have two things. Number 1, starting today going forward you’re going to move your body for one hour every day. That’s it. I didn’t say go to the gym and workout super hard for an hour every day. You don’t have to even run every day. You can go for a nice easy stroll one hour every day. A stroll is a very relaxed walk. And here’s the thing. You can use this at the same time that you learn English. Guess what? You can get your little iPod and you can be listening to your iPod, listening to your Advanced Conversation Club lessons as you walk. You’re doing two things at the same time. You’re getting some energy into your body, moving your body. And at the same time you’re feeding your mind and improving your English ability.
In fact, this will help you learn English faster and remember better. Why is that? Because when you move your body like this, when you’re listening as you move, your heart starts pumping more. Blood starts moving through your body more and your brain gets more blood. And you will feel a higher level of energy. Because of that, you’ll remember better. You’ll focus better and therefore you’ll learn faster.