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Making the impossible possible
I read an interesting article about making the Impossible Possible. There are three main steps. Step one is to believe that something you thought was impossible is possible. Step 2 is to say to yourself that you’re going to do it. The final step is to do it.

How can we make this happen? First of all, in order to live our dreams we should learn think outside the box. We start comforting to what is expected and keep doing things the same old way. However, being super excited about something that seems impossible is the most motivating thing in the world.
We need big challenges in our life to feel alive. Overcoming a challenge makes us stronger, helps to improve our self-confidence and leads to greater success in our lives. Our bodies were designed to be able to face a challenge. Our ancestors had to face many tough obstacles to survive but in the modern world, we tend to sit around most of the time and our bodies become more susceptible to diseases and getting sick.

The first step that we can take to help ourselves dream bigger is to take a piece of paper and to write down all the crazy dreams that you had when you were young. Some of these far flung ambitions might have been to run a marathon, or to open your own business, or to travel to a country far away. Make a big list of your dreams from the past.

The next thing to do is to think about where you are in your life now. Be honest with yourself and think what you really want from your life. Don’t be practical but instead, be crazy and make a huge list of all the amazing things you would love to do.

After completing both of these lists you should envision your perfect day in details. Where would you live, what kind of car would you drive, what would your family be like, where would you work…

Write down all of the things you would love to do, thinking big and be specific.

Review all of the lists of both your old and new dreams, your ideal day and then pick something that seems to be almost impossible. Decide that you’re going to do it and choose a date for its completion..

The next step (this is going to be a little scary) is to announce it to everybody you know. When you’ve told it to your family and friends or you’ve written about it on your blog, you will be completely committed to your idea and therefore you will find a way to accomplish it.
It’s very important to let everybody know about your decision and to schedule all of your actions. This will give you a lot of motivation.
So, pick something inspiring, schedule it, announce it, prepare for it and do it!