effortless english

Impossible2Possible. Audio and Scripts. Part 3

Other dreams I had in the past would be like run a marathon, finish a marathon. One big dream I used to have, and this was a really big one for me, was to own my own business, be my own boss. And let me tell you that for me, that felt impossible for years, I mean years and years and years, over 10 years, 15 years, I thought I would never be able to do it. It felt impossible…

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Impossible2Possible. Audio and Scripts. Part 2

So in this one, what a great topic, impossible2Possible, I just love the title. Starting with something you think it’s impossible and it becomes possible. That’s what this whole conversation’s about. That’s what that whole story was about that they talked about in the conversation. And that’s what this whole topic is about in this lesson set. It’s shifting your mind, things that you thought were impossible that maybe you wanted, maybe you think are important but you think it’s…

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Impossible2Possible перевод часть 1

В этом видео мы начинаем подробно разбирать перевод урока «Невозможное Возможно» от AJ Hoge, автора известного курса Effortless English! Продолжение в следующих видео! Также мы помещаем на сайте аудио и скрипты к уроку Impossible2possible! Разобрав этот урок, Вы добавите в свой словарный запас много полезных слов, а также повысите свою мотивацию для достижения успеха во всех областях вашей жизни!

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Health and Fitness. Заключительная часть

In this coaching lesson AJ Hoge reminds us that in each lesson set in the Advanced Conversation Club members actually get several types of lessons including the conversation, the commentary and the coaching lesson. In the coaching lesson he’s gonna help us to put some interesting ideas into action. The goals of the coaching lessons to give us some very useful information, to help us learn vocabulary and grammar and pronunciation and improve our English, and also to make some…

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