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Кейс 5.6.1 Камни ОЖП

Case 5.6.1 CBD Stones   Кейс 5.6.1 Камни Общего Желчного Протока   A 50-year-old woman presents with a 2-week history of biliary colic. Physical examination is significant for scleral icterus. LFTs reveal a cholestatic pattern. Ultrasound shows gallstones as well as CBD dilation.   Женщина 50 лет поступает с 2х-недельной желчной коликой. Физикальное обследование характеризуется желтушностью склер. Печеночные ферменты отражают картину холестаза. УЗИ показывает камни в желчном пузыре и расширение общего желчного протока.   What is the most likely cause…

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Health and Fitness. Part 4. Scripts and Audio

You actually improve your studying ability and your English ability by studying and moving at the same time instead of just listening while you sit. You know this. When you listen to English or something while you’re sitting and you try to study, after about 10 minutes you kind of start getting a little sleepy or tired, right? Then you have to…and make yourself focus more. Well, when you’re walking, right, you’ve got that energy going in your body constantly…

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Health and Fitness. Part 2. Scripts and Audio

Health, for me, is really energy…sustained energy and vitality. It’s kind of having a lot of life force energy in your body, if you want to think of it that way. It means that you’re basically disease-free. You might get a little cold or something sometimes, but very rarely, almost never. And it means that generally, all day every day, that you have a clear mind. That you have a nice high level of energy, that you feel good. Your…

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Email: medicineinenglish@gmail.com

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