В этом разделе мы разбираем вместе устойчивые словосочетания на английском.Сегодня мы разбираем словосочетания со словами «chair» и «mirror» (стул и зеркало).

Sit in a chair Сидеть на стуле
Lean back in your chair Откинуться назад на своем стуле
Push back your chair Отодвинуть свой стул
Get up from your chair Встать со своего стула
Fall off your chair Упасть со своего стула
Flop into your chair Плюхнуться на свой стул


  1. I put my feet up on the desk, leaned back in my chair and tried to relax.
  2. I don’t know what’s wrong with him! He just got up from his chair and left without saying a word!
  3. It was no accident. He fell off his chair because he was drunk!
  4. At the end of the meal he pushed back his chair and got up to make a speech.
  5. When I arrived my grandfather was sitting in his favorite chair by the fire.
  6. I was so tired after work, I just dropped my bags and flopped into the nearest chair.


Look in the mirror Смотреть в зеркало
Stand in front of the mirror Стоять перед зеркалом
Break a mirror Разбить зеркало
A full-length mirror Зеркало во весь рост (дословно, полной длины)
A large/small mirror Большое/маленькое зеркало
The bathroom mirror Зеркало в ванной комнате
The hall mirror Зеркало в коридоре/холле


  1. There’s a full-length mirror behind the door of the wardrobe in the bedroom.
  2. They say you get 7 years’ bad luck if you break a mirror.
  3. There’s a large mirror, hanging above the fireplace in the living room.
  4. She never leaves the house without looking at herself in the hall mirror.
  5. I find it difficult to shave when the bathroom mirror is all steamed-up.
  6. When I looked in the mirror, I noticed a small spot on the tip of my nose.
  7. Rob was standing in front of a mirror, trying on a new suit, when I last saw him.
  8. I adjusted the side mirrors, then glanced in the rear-view mirror to see if anyone was behind me.